We had an opportunity with the Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) Association to present our earthquake early warning (EEW) work to the European Emergency Management Number Association (EENA).
ISCRAM is “an international community of researchers who examine the design, use, and evaluation of information and communication technologies in contexts of emergency and disaster preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery.” The webinar was presented by Dr Caroline Rizza (Télécom ParisTech), Dr Rob Grace (Texas Tech University), and Prof Anouck Ardot (Université Paris-Dauphine).
CRISiSLab contributes to ISCRAM regularly, and most of our researchers engage actively with ISCRAM activities and events. We were very happy to support the webinar on “Introducing ISCRAM: Bridging research and public safety“. The presenters discussed ISCRAM’s current research on public safety communications. Dr Marion Tan (Massey University) gave a brief 5-minute presentation introducing CRISiSLab’s EEW work in Aotearoa New Zealand, highlighting opportunities for collaboration between researchers, government, and practitioners in advancing research in warnings.