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We are committed to sharing knowledge and insights with our stakeholders and communities. To this end, we regularly host webinars that feature leading experts in the field.
Our webinars cover a wide range of topics, from the latest research findings to cutting-edge tools and techniques. They are designed to be informative, engaging, and accessible, and they provide participants with the opportunity to learn from and interact with some of the most innovative and inspiring minds in their respective fields.
The Canadian Earthquake Early Warning System
by Alison Bird
Situation Awareness in Emergency Management
by Mica Endsley
Experiments in Earthquake Early Warning Transplantation
by Jen Andrews
The significance of human weather- and impact- reports from a national and international perspective
In collaboration with YESS Community,
by Thomas Krennert
Evaluation of weather forecast using user feedback
In collaboration with YESS Community,
by Maureen Ahiataku
Maps, Memes, Meteorology
In collaboration with YESS Community,
by Dr BA Racoma
Citizen Science and High Impact Weather
In collaboration with YESS Community, by Dr David Hoffmann, Dr Beth Ebert, and Dr Marion Tan
Earthquake early warning in China and beyond
by Prof Tun Wang
Earthquake early warning in Japan
by Dr Masumi Yamada
Efficacy, usefulness, and limits of an independent EEW system in Peru
by Laure Fallou
An earthquake early warning for Aotearoa New Zealand
by CRISiSLab
Community Seismic Network and earthquake early warning
by Dr Monica Kohler
Earthquake early warning in Southwest Iceland
by Dr Benedikt Halldorsson
Earthquake early warning development in a diverse community of practice
by Dr Elizabeth Reddy
A new decentralised architecture for earthquake early warning
by CRISiSLab
The human side of earthquake early warning
by CRISiSLab
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